Is His Forgiveness Enough To Silence The Hate In Your Own Mind?

You know the voice; it might be your own, or the words of others who know about your affair. I’m sure it’s past the warning light stage of guilt now- it’s moved into the realm of shame where you hate yourself for what you’ve done. Maybe you used to judge people who committed adultery before.  I know I probably did. It was easier to remove myself from the possibility of ever falling into this trap myself, by thinking it’s just those ‘bad people’ who do this.

But now you’re named among those, and you don’t know how you can ever live with yourself or how to help your husband heal, because all you see and feel every day is the shame from your sin. Some of you may even be contemplating suicide because of it. That is what shame does.

Friend, I want to ask you- what is continuously punishing yourself or hating yourself doing for you now?

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Jesus Wasn’t Condoning Her Sin, But He Did Tell Her This: “Where Are Your Accusers?” “..Neither Do I Condemn You, Go And Sin No More.”

So that settles any question you might have if God can or will forgive you? God forgives ALL sin….to those that truly ask Him and repent. Does that mean she got away with it?  Does that mean she didn’t have to pay for her sin? Not quite. I imagine she struggled with the shame of that afternoon for a long time. I’m sure the haters were still there gossiping about her afterwards.

But I Can Also Imagine That The Love And Grace She Felt That Afternoon, From A Man She Didn’t Even Know, Far Surpassed Anything She’d Ever Experienced Before. Jesus did more than just save her life from being stoned to death, He looked past her sin and saved her soul. His forgiveness was enough to silence the hate of pious religious leaders. You can read more about that love of God here.

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There’s No Way To Mince Words- Adultery Is Wrong.

It made God’s top 10 commandments because He knew the pain and devastation it brings to marriages, and the family unit.

But I’m figuring you already know that.

For a closer look at what God thinks of you, and how to actually go about forgiving yourself,
let’s look at how Jesus dealt with a woman like us.

The woman was dragged out, caught in the very act,
to be presented before Jesus (and the crowd) for stoning.

She was obviously guilty- no one could deny that.
(Hmmm…no mention of the man in this scenario, which was always interesting to me)

The religious leaders were justified in stoning her, the law declared it so, and they were using this to test Jesus- how would he answer?

Could they trap him by speaking against God’s law?

How would he show compassion (as he seemed to be in the habit of doing with outcasts), without breaking God’s own law of punishment?

You likely know the story… he pretty much ignored their murmurings and demands for an answer as he wrote in the sand

(oh how I wish we knew what he wrote- could it have been “lusting after a woman in your heart”,
or maybe “stealing from innocent people”, “greed” “lying”  
we don’t know).

But then he stands next to the woman and declares “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

He knew she was guilty, nobody could deny that- and the woman certainly wasn’t denying it as she stood in complete shame and humiliation,
waiting for her demise.

But interesting enough- they dropped their stones and walked away; the oldest man to the youngest.

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Shame Is Like Guilt’s Evil Cousin.

It’s more than a warning light on your dashboard-it’s actually ready to blow up your car for being such a terrible car in the first place.

Shame’s primary purpose is to push you down- and keep you there -because of what you’ve done.

I have a few views on this subject that I’d like to share with you if you’d allow me a few minutes.

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Will God forgive my infidelity? FAITH AND SPIRITUAL HEALING· FOR UNFAITHFUL WIFE what does the bible say about forgiveness for adultery?

Look, I know you’re probably here because you did what you never thought yourself capable of doing- you had an affair,  committed adultery, were unfaithful…whatever you want to call it.

What matters is the destruction it left in its wake; which came from your own choices. Once someone comes out of the affair fog and gains clarity to truly see the pain they’ve caused, it can be very hard to live with the reality of pain left behind.

You Feel Unrelenting Guilt For Hurting Your Husband So Deeply, And You Can’t Understand How You Brought This On Your Marriage.

Guilt’s gotten a bad rap- but it’s not all bad.  So let’s first talk about guilt’s purpose.Guilt is there to warn you that you’ve gone off course and something is seriously wrong… think of it like a warning light on your car; ignore it long enough and your car will eventually break down leaving you stranded. So experiencing guilt, and letting that guide you to be truly sorry for what you’ve done is a good thing. Guilt should move you to true remorse to the point where you want to stop what you were doing wrong.

But some of us take guilt a little too far, and use it way past its expiration date-
staying guilty for something that you’ve already asked forgiveness for, and are trying to make right. But shame…ah shame, that’s different than guilt.
And I’m well acquainted with that one.

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In a good relationship, respect is one of the most important qualities that partners can have towards each other. Respect is the foundation of healthy communication, trust, and emotional intimacy. When respect is present in a relationship, it creates a positive and nurturing environment where both partners can grow and thrive.

Respect in a relationship can take many forms. It can involve valuing each other’s opinions, honoring each other’s boundaries, and being considerate of each other’s feelings. It can also mean showing appreciation for each other’s strengths and accomplishments, and supporting each other through challenges.

One of the key aspects of respect in a relationship is the ability to communicate in a constructive and respectful manner. This involves listening actively, responding empathetically, and avoiding attacking or belittling language. When partners communicate with respect, they are able to work through conflicts and misunderstandings in a way that strengthens their bond, rather than damaging it.

Another important aspect of respect in a relationship is trust. When partners respect each other, they are able to trust each other’s words and actions. This allows them to feel secure in the relationship and to be vulnerable with each other. When trust is present, partners are more likely to be honest with each other, which helps to build a deeper emotional connection.

Finally, respect in a relationship involves recognizing and valuing each other’s individuality. This means accepting each other for who they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses. When partners respect each other’s unique qualities and perspectives, they are able to learn from each other and grow together.

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Trust is another essential component of any successful relationship, particularly in romantic relationships. When partners trust each other, they feel safe, secure, and comfortable in expressing themselves and being vulnerable. Trust is built over time through various actions and behaviors, and it is crucial for establishing a strong and healthy relationship.

One of the most important aspects of trust in a good relationship is honesty. Partners who are honest with each other build a foundation of trust that allows them to rely on each other and feel secure in the relationship. This means being truthful about your feelings, intentions, and actions, even when it may be difficult to do so.

Another important aspect of trust in a good relationship is reliability. When partners are reliable, they follow through on their commitments and promises, which helps to establish a sense of dependability and trustworthiness. This means being there for your partner when they need you, showing up on time, and following through on commitments.

Trust in a good relationship also involves respecting each other’s boundaries and privacy. Partners who respect each other’s boundaries and privacy demonstrate that they trust each other and are committed to building a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

Finally, trust in a good relationship involves forgiveness and the ability to move past mistakes. No one is perfect, and in any relationship, mistakes and misunderstandings are bound to happen. However, partners who trust each other are able to forgive and move past these mistakes, working together to overcome challenges and build a stronger relationship.

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Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Open and honest communication is the foundation upon which any connection is built. When people are in a relationship, they must be able to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and effectively. When communication breaks down, misunderstandings, conflicts, and emotional distance can arise.

One of the key aspects of communication in a good relationship is active listening. This means paying close attention to what your partner is saying, both verbally and non-verbally, and making an effort to understand their perspective. Active listening involves giving your partner your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and responding empathetically to their concerns.

Another important aspect of communication in a good relationship is being honest and transparent with your partner. This means expressing your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, even if they may be difficult to share. Honesty and transparency help to build trust between partners, which is essential for a strong and healthy relationship.

It is also important to communicate effectively during disagreements or conflicts. This means avoiding blame, criticism, or defensiveness and instead focusing on finding a solution that works for both partners. Effective conflict resolution involves listening to your partner’s perspective, expressing your needs and concerns, and working together to compromise.

Finally, communication in a good relationship involves showing appreciation and affection towards your partner. This means expressing gratitude for the things they do and the qualities you appreciate about them. It also means showing physical affection, such as holding hands or giving hugs, which can help to strengthen the emotional bond between partners.

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12 Essential Requirements for a Good and Healthy Relationship. April 1, 2023 by Celine Rice

Photo by mskathrynne

Human beings are social creatures, and relationships play a critical role in our lives. A good relationship is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying aspects of life. Whether it is a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a business relationship, the quality of the connection is essential to our happiness, mental and emotional well-being. In this article, we will explore the essential requirements for a good and healthy relationship.

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What is God’s wisdom in the bible?

God’s wisdom is the blessing from God to help us apply knowledge.

God wants us to know His wisdom so we can apply it and have the great ability to handle life instead of being ridiculed.

That’s what wisdom does, and it helps you make wise decisions that are beneficial for you and others.

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, (Proverbs 3:13, NIV)

There is higher wisdom and understanding than people possess. This “wisdom of God” is unlike anything that can be found naturally in the world. It comes only from God, but you can ask Him for wisdom and learning God’s Word.

God wants to give us the wisdom to make good choices in life, avoid temptation and defeat the devil.

Temptation blinds us from the truth and leaves us making poor decisions that always lead to trouble later on.

People can make wise decisions when they seek God’s wisdom when they spend time reading His Word and asking for His guidance.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5, NIV)


Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts. (Psalm 119:98–100)

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